     Research archive for Stein Bråten
     Dr.philos., em.prof., in communication &
     sociology University of Oslo;
     this archive complements such other
     sites with articles and some full manuscripts. 
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Selected publications and working papers by Stein
Bråten (1963 - 2007)


1963 Om bruken av diagrammer. Litt kritikk
(Criticism of Venn's Diagram). I A.Næss (red.)
Filosofiske problemer, bd.I,
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1963:.25-34.

1964 Innledning til en kommunikasjonsmodell. Del
I (Introduction to a model of communication).
Markedskommunikasjon, årg.1, 1964: 1-8.

1968 A Simulation Study of Personal and Mass
Communication. IAG Quarterly Journal of the
Administrative Data Processing Group of IFIP,
1968, vol.1, no.2:.7-28 (reprinted in H.Stockhaus
(ed.): Models and Simulation. Akademiforlaget,
Göteborg 1970: 117-138).

1968 (with K. Nygaard, H. Klitzing & U. Norlen)
Progress Report on the Simcom Model. IMAS
Information no. 1E0468/9E0868, Inst. for
Marknads- och Samhallskommunikation, Solna 1968.

1968 Marknadskommunikation. (On market
communication). Stockholm: Beckmans Bokförlag

1970 On the Need and Possible Structure of a
Communication Research Information System in
Scandinavia. Acta Sociologica vol.13, 1970,

1971 Mass- och misskommunikation: Kontakt mellan
människor och media. (On computer simulation of
mass and miscommunication). Stockholm: Beckmans
Bokförlag. ISBN 91-7012-016-1.

1972 (with Urban Norlen) Description and Models
of a Simulation of Communication Model. Appendix
in: U.Norlen: Simulation Model Building, Almquist
& Wiksell, Gøteborg/Uppsala 1972; John Wiley
1975: 149-172. ISBN 0-470-65090-7.

1972 Computer Simulation of Dilemma-processing
Dyads. Progress report from Institute of
Psychology, University of Bergen (in Norwegian,
later supplied and translated as Working Papers
from Institute of Sociology No. 73 a & b,
University of Oslo, 1977).

1973 Tegnbehandling og meningsutveksling: Mot et
sosialsemantisk systemperspektiv.

(On symbol processing and simulation of mind). In
the series Philosophical Problems no. XLI, ed. A.
Næss. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget/Scand. Univ.
Books. ISBN 82-00-06155-8.

1973 Model Monopoly and Communication: Systems
Theoretical Notes on Democratization. Acta
Sociologica, vol.16 1973, no.2: 98-107.

1973 (with Urban Norlen) Simulation Model
Analysis and Reduction. In: W. Goldberg (ed.)
Computer Simulation vs. Analytical Solutions for
Business and Economic Models, BAS 1973: 17,
Handelshøgskolen i Gøteborg, Gøteborg 1973:

1974 Coding Simulation Circuits during Symbolic
Interaction. In: Proceedings of the 7th
International Congress on Cybernetics 1973
Association Internationale de Cybernetique, Namur
1974, pp.327-336 (reprinted in parts in
S.Bråten: Modellmakt og altersentriske spedbarn.
Essays on Dialogue in Infant & Adult. Bergen:
Sigma 2000: 97-104. ISBN 82-7916-009-4).

1974 Value-discrepant Message Search as a Mode of
Resolution: A Computer Simulation Exploration of
Consistency Theory. Reports from the Institute of
Psychology, no.3, 1974, University of Bergen,
Bergen 1974.

1976 En konsistens- og kommunikasjonsmodell som
tillater simulering av EF-striden. Tidsskrift for
samfunnsforskning bd.17 1976 nr.2:.158-197.

1977 The Human Dyad: Systems and Simulations.
Working Papers from Institute of

Sociology no.72, Universitety of Oslo 1977.

1977 Computer Simulation of Consistency and
Communication. Proceedings of the 8th
International Congress on Cybernetics, Assoc.
Internat. de Cybernetique, Namur 1977: 615-626.

1978 Systems Research and Social Sciences
(Keynote lecture at the First Int. Conference on
Aplied Systems Research, Binghamton, N.Y., 1977).
In G.Klir (ed.) Applied General Systems Research.
Plenum Press, New York 1978:.655-685. ISBN

1978 Ressursgap og selvrefleksjon. Inngrep
utenfra eller omdanning innenfra? Sosiologi idag,
årg.8 1978 nr.1:.16-39.

1978 Competing Modes of Cognition and
Communication in Simulated and Self-reflective
Systems. (Talk at the Third Richmond Conference
on Decision-making in Complex Systems, Richmond
1978), in: G. Pask (ed.) Current Approaches to
Decision-making in Complex Systems, U.S. Army
Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social
Sciences, Vol.II:4 1980.

1980 Dialogical Systems Approach: Dissonance,
Dualities and Time. In S.Bråten (ed.) Sosiologi
og metodologi. Dedicated Professor Sverre Holm.
Institute of sociology, University of Oslo, Oslo

1981 Time and Dualities in Self-reflective
Dialogical Systems.In G.E.Lasker (ed.) Applied
Systems and Cybernetics, vol.III, Pergamon Press,
New York 1981: 1339-1348. ISBN 0-08-027200-2.

1981 Quality of Interaction and Participation: On
Model Power in Industrial Democracy and Computer
Networks. In G.E.Lasker (ed.) Applied Systems and
Cybernetics, vol.I, Pergamon Press, New York
1981: 191-200. ISBN 0-08-027198-7. (Reprinted in
General Systems Yearbook, XXVII, Louisville 1982:

1981 Modeller av menneske og samfunn: Bro mellom
teori og erfaring fra sosiologi og
sosialpsykolologi (On models of man and society)
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 82-00-05838-7.

1982 Simulation and Self-organization of Mind. In
G.Fløistad (ed.) Contemporary Philosophy (Vol.2.
Philosophy of Science), Martinus Nijhoff, the
Hague 1982:.189-218. ISBN 90-247-2451-1.

1982 The Role of Representations. In I. Gullvåg
& J. Wetlesen (eds.) In Sceptical Wonder:
Inquiries into the Philosophy of Arne Næss,
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1982: 101-21. ISBN

1982 (with E. Jahren og A. Jansen) Social Network
and Multilevel Structure: System Description and
Simulation. In: R.Cavallo (ed.) Systems
Methodology in Social Science Research.
Kluwer-Nijhoff, Boston 1982:.113-141.

1982 Datateknologi, dialog og modellmakt. Norsk
Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, årg.66, 1982 nr.4:

1983 Asymmetric Discourse and Cognitive Autonomy.
In A.Pedretti og G.de Zeeuw (ed.) Problems of
Levels and Boundaries. Princelet, London/Zurich
1983:.7-28. ISBN 0-86298-005-4.

1983 Computer Culture: Decision-making made
easier? The Platou Report, Høvik 1983: 13-16.

1983 Dialogens vilkår i datasamfunnet. (On model
monopoly and dialogue in the information
society). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. ISBN

1983 Innledning til formidlingsteori -- grenser
for vitenformidling. I K. Krarup og O. Rieper
(red.) Formidling og andvendelse av
samfundsforskningen. Nyt fra
samfundsvidenskaberne, København 1983: 7-28.
ISBN 8770342024.

1983 Teori og praksis -- feilslagets betydning. I
B. W. Hennestad og F. Wenstøp (red.)
Bedriftsøkonomi og vitenskapsteori -- utvalgte
tekster. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1983:.31-37.
ISBN 82-00-06643-6.

1984 The Third Position -- beyond Artificial and
Autopoietic Reduction. Kybernetes vol..13 1984
no.3: 157-163. Reprinted in F.Geyer & J.van der
Zouwen (ed.) Sociocybernetic Paradoxes, Sage,
London 1986:.193-205. ISBN 0-8039-9736-1.

1984 Telematic Trends and Human Traits. Prologue
in: J .Rennel: Future of Paper in the Telematic
World, Jaakko Pøyry, Helsinki 1984: 13-23. ISBN

1985 Beyond Autopoiesis: Consciousness during
Asymmetric Interaction. EUI Colloquium Papers
339/85, European University Institute, Firenze

1986 Consent and dissent. Invited talk at the
Gordon Research Conference on Cybernetics of
Cognition, 13-18 June 1986, Wolfeboro (published
as Prologue in S.Bråten: Modellmakt og
altersentriske spedbarn. Essays on Dialogue in
Infant & Adult. Bergen: Sigma 2000: 16-27. ISBN

1987 Artifacts of Mind. In J. P. Myklebust & R.
Ommundsen (ed.) Psykologprofesjonen mot år 2000.
In Memory of Bjørn Christiansen.
Universitetsforlaget, Bergen 198: 543-557. ISBN

1987 The Virtual Other: Accounting for
protodialogue. Talk at the Bergen Workshop on
Intersubjectivity and Communication, Inst. of
Cognitive Psychology, University of Bergen.
Published in: S. Bråten: Modellmakt og
altersentriske spedbarn. Essays on Dialogue in
Infant & Adult. Bergen: Sigma 2000:.204-212. ISBN

1988 Between Dialogical Mind and Monological
Reason. Postulating the Virtual Other. In M.
Campanella (ed.) Between Rationality and
Cognition, Albert Meynier, Torino/Geneve 1988:
205-236. ISBN 88-85825-66-4.

1988 Dialogic Mind: The Infant and the Adult in
Protoconversation In M.Carvallo (ed.) Nature,
Cognition, and System I. Kluwer Academic /Reidel,
Dordrecht 1988: 179-97. ISBN 90-277-2740-6.

1989 Born with the Other in Mind: Notes on
Prosocial Implications and Some Existential
Speculations. Working paper, Institute of
Cognitive Psychology, University of Bergen 1989.

1989 (with Rune Espelid) Visual Ambiguity:
Simulation of Neural Networks in Competition. In:
Proceedings of Nordic Symposium on Neural
Computing, 17-18 April 1989, Espoo, Finnland.
(Reprinted in BSC Report 9074 Bergen: Bergen
Scientific Centre IBM, 1990)

1989 G. H. Meads filosofi som grunnlag for
dialogisk forståelse. I: S. Vaage og H. Tuen
(red.) Oppdragelse til det moderne,
Universitetsforlaget 1989: 95-118. ISBN
82-00-02600-0. (Dansk utg. Klim forlag, Århus
2000: 107-32. ISBN 82-7724-935-6).

1989 (with Rune Espelid) Visual Ambiguity:
Simulation of Neural Networks in Competition. I:
Proceedings of Nordic Symposium on Neural
Computing, 17-18 april 1989, Espoo, Finnland.
(Reprinted in BSC Report 9074 Bergen: Bergen
Scientific Centre IBM, 1990)

1990 Hvis vår tenkning er dialogisk...Hva betyr
det for ledelse og problemløsning? I A. Greve og
G. Kaufmann (red.) Ledelse. Psykologiske og
strategiske perspektiver. Tano, Oslo
1990:.149-166. ISBN 82-518-2671-3.

1990 Illusjonen som brast. I dialog med Elsters
vitenskapssyn (Broken illusion: In dialogue with
Elster's view of science). Agora vol.8 (1-2):
358-368. ISSN 0800-7136.

1991 Born with the Other in Mind: On Child
Development and Cognitive Science Implications.
Unpublished working monograph, Dept. of
Sociology, University of Oslo, November 1991.

1992 Paradigms of Autonomy - Dialogical or
Monological? In G.Teubner & A. Febrajo (ed.)
State, Law and Economy as Autopoietic
Systems/European Yearbook in the Sociology of Law
1991-92 Milano: Giuffré 1992:.35-66.

1992 The Virtual Other in Infants' Minds and
Social Feelings. In: A. H. Wold (ed.) The
Dialogical Alternative. Oslo: Scandinavian
University Press: 77-97. ISBN 82-00-21651-9.

1992 The Newborn's Virtual Other: A model for
human communication'. Northern Scholars Lecture,
University of Edinburgh, 17 March 1992. Published
in Sosiologisk Årbok /Yearbook of Sociology
1992, 8.1: 101-120.

1992 The Third Position: Recent Advances in
Theory and Praxis of Dialoging. In E.
Bernard-Weil & J. C. Tabary (eds) Praxis et
Cognition. Lyon: L'Interdisciplinaire: 205-214.
ISBN 2-907447-11-4.

1993 Socio-emotional and Auto-operational Roots
of Cultural (Peer) Learning. Commentary.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16: 515.

1993 Infant Attachment and Self-Organization in
Light of this Thesis: Born with the Other in
Mind. In: I. L. Gomnæs & E. Osborne (eds.)
Makting Links: How Children Learn. Oslo:
Yrkeslitteratur 1993: 25-38. ISBN 82-584-0165-3.

1994 (with Colwyn Trevarthen) Beginnings of
cultural learning. Talk at the symposium The
Formative Process of Society: The transition from
natural to cultural history, Centre for
Interdisciplinary Studies ZiF, University of
Bielefeld 17-19 Nov 1994. Published in S.Bråten:
Modellmakt og altersentriske spedbarn. Essays on
Dialogue in Infant & Adult. Bergen: Sigma
2000:.213-218. ISBN 82-7916-009-4.

1995 The Creative Self-Dialogue in Children, in
T. Helstrup, G. Kaufmann & K.H. Teigen (eds.):
Problem-solving and Cognitive Processes (in
honour of Kjell Raaheim). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget
1995: 283-313. ISBN 82-7674-206-8.

1996 When toddlers provide care: Infants'
companion space' Childhood 3 (no.4) 1966:

1996 Videoanalyser av spedbarnet i samspill
bidrar til å opphevet et modellmonopol. I H.
Holter & R. Kalleberg (red.) Kvalitative metoder
i samfunnsforsknning, Ny rev. utg. Oslo:
Universitetsforlaget, 1996:.165-91. ISBN

1996 Infants demonstrate that care-giving is
reciprocal. Centre for Advanced Study Newsletter,
Oslo (November 1996) No.2:.2. ISSN 0804-3272.

1996 A Paradigm Shift in Infant Researcheskifte i
spedbarnsforsking ..som kan gi oss et nytt syn
på mennesket' (Interview by Dag
Herbjörnsröd) SHS Newletter no.2 November 1996
from Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian
Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, No. 2: 1-3
(translated from Norwegian) ISSN 0804-3272.

1997 Egocentric and altercentric perception in
infant imitative learning. Keynote address at the
Sixth European Workshop on Imagery and Copnition,
Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Oslo 9-13 August
1997. In T. Helstrup & R. H. Logic (ed.) 6th EWIC
Proceedings, Oslo 1997: 1-2.

1997 Altercentriskt deltagande som förklaring
til att spädbarn kan ge omsorg. I B. Isenberg &
F. Oddner (red.) Seendets pendel. Festskrift til
Johan Asplund. Stockholm: Brutus Östlings
Bokförlag Symposium 1997: 181-200. ISBN

1998 (Ed.) Intersubjective Communication and
Emotion in Early Ontogeny. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press 1998. ISBN 0-521-62257-3
(re-issued as paperback 2006. ISBN-10

1998 Infant learning by altercentric
participation: the reverse of egocentric
observation in autism, in: S. Bråten (ed.)
Intersubjective Communication and Emotion in
Early Ontogeny. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1998: 105-24. ISBN 0-521-62257-3.

1998 Intersubjective communion and understanding:
development and perturbation, in: S. Bråten
(ed.) Intersubjective Communication and Emotion
in Early Ontogeny. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1998: 372-82. ISBN

1998 Kommunikasjon og samspill ~ fra fødsel til
alderdom. (On communication and interplay from
birth to old age). Oslo: Tano-Aschehoug. ISBN
82-518-3545-3 (Danish ed.: Dafolo 1999. ISBN
87-7320-865-5; second Norw. ed:
Universitetsforlaget 2004/2007. ISBN

2000 Modellmakt og altersentriske spedbarn.
Essays on Dialogue in Infant & Adult. Bergen:
Sigma 2000. ISBN 82-7916-009-4.

2000 From 'Neural Net' Simulations of Rival
Views. Appendix in: S.Bråten: Modellmakt og
altersentriske spedbarn. Essays on Dialogue in
Infant & Adult. Bergen: Sigma 2000: 286-296. ISBN

2000 From Zoo Observations of Chimpazees with
Offsprings. Appendix in: S.Bråten: Modellmakt og
altersentriske spedbarn. Essays on Dialogue in
Infant & Adult. Bergen: Sigma 2000:.282-285. ISBN

2000 Delaktige spedbarn og dialogpartnere. Om
altersentrisk persepsjon. (Akademiforedrag i Den
historisk-filosofiske klasse, 10.febr. 2000).
Trykket i: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi Årbok
2000. Oslo: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi,
2001:.279-298. ISBN 82-90888-37-6.

2001 (with Ragnar Rossnes) Intersubjective
communication and simulation of mind in two
laboratory groups assessing safety measures.
Unpublished working paper, Centre for Advanced
Study (CAS), Oslo June 30 2001.

2002 Altercentric perception by infants and
adults in dialogue: Ego's virtual participation
in Alter's complementary act. In: M. Stamenov &
V. Gallese (eds.) Mirror Neurons and the
Evolution of Brain and Language,
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publ Co.
2002: 273-294. ISBN 90-272-5162-2.

2003 The other-oriented nature and nurture of the
self-organizing mind. Opening keynote lecture at
The 11th International Conference on Educational
Therapy, Lillehammer June 3-5 2002. In The
Resilient Child, Proceedings ed. by A.Arnesen.
Oslo: The Norwegian Educational Therapist
Association, 2003: 11-29.

2003 Im Gegensatz zur Piagets Theorie.
Spracherwerb und Entwicklung von
Alterozentrischem Ausgangspunkt (Proceedings of
the Workshop on Prozessuale Enkulturation -
Rekonstruktion der Kulturgenese, Zentrum für
Höhere Studien Universität Leipzig, 4-6 Oct
2001), in: N. Psarros, P. Stekeler-Weithofer & G.
Vobruba (eds.) Die Entwicklung sozialer
Wirklichkeit, Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft
2003: 61-88. ISBN 3-934730-64-7.

2003 Beteiligte Spiegelung. Alterzentrische
Lernprozesse in der Kleinkindentwicklung und der
Evolution. In: U. Wenzel, B. Bretzinger, & K.
Holz (eds.) Subjekte und Gesellschaft. Beiträge
sur einer historisch-genetischen Soziologie (Für
Günter Dux). Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft
2003: 139-169. ISBN 3-934730-65-5.

2003 Participant perception of others' acts.
The virtual otherness in infants and adults.
Culture & Psychology vol.9 (3) Sept: 261-276.

2004 Hominin infant decentration hypothesis:
Mirror neurons system adapted to subserve
mother-centred participation. Commentary
Behavioral and Brain Sciences vol. 27 (4) 2004:
508-509. ISSN 0140-525X.

2004 Stein Bråten and Vittorio Gallese on mirror
neurons systems implications for social cognition
and intersubjectivity. Interview by the editors
of Impuls 58 (3) 2004: 97-107. ISSN 081-2911.

2004 On the foundations of (pre)verbal
intersubjectivity: Introduction to a symposium in
the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
Impuls 58 (3) (Brain issue) 2004: 91-95. ISSN

2006 Andencentrert deltagelse -- fra vuggen til
klasseværelset. Om en basal relationskompetance
i læring og samvær. I: R. Kristensen (red.)
Fantastiske forbindelser -- relationer i
undervisning og læringssamvær. Fredrikshavn:
Dafolo 2006: 12-24. ISBN 87-7281-186-2.

2007 (Ed.) On Being Moved: From mirror neurons to
empathy. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin
Publishing Company 2007. ISBN 978 90 272 5204 3.

2007 Altercentric infants and adults: On the
origins and manifestations of participant
perception of others' acts and utterances. In
S. Bråten (ed.) On Being Moved: From mirror
neurons to empathy. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:John
Benjamins Publ Co 2007: 111-135. ISBN

2007 On circular re-enactment of care and abuse;
and on other-centred moments in psychotherapy. In
S. Bråten (ed.) On Being Moved: From mirror
neurons to empathy. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:John
Benjamins Publ Co 2007: 303-313. ISBN

2007 (with Colwyn Trevarthen) Prologue: From
infant intersubjectivity and participant
movements to simulation and conversation in
cultural common sense. In S. Bråten (ed.) On
Being Moved: From mirror neurons to empathy.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publ Co
2007: 21-33. ISBN 978-90-272-5204-3.

2007 Dialogens speil i barnets og språkets
utvikling (The Dialogic Mirror in Child and
Language Development). Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.
ISBN 978-82-7935-167-2.